Wholistic Hiring - Are Your Ducks In A Row or Your Squirrels At a Rave
Getting Your Ducks in a Row: Preparing for Wholistic Hiring
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In this part of a series on hiring, hosts Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss the importance of wholistic preparation before hiring a physical team member.
Key topics include:
Organizing your business operations
Tracking tasks and their value
Creating detailed processes
Benefits of using tools like Loom and online hiring services
Significance of understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses
How to handle the mental overwhelm that comes with hiring
Knowing your business values to find the right fit for your team
00:00 Introduction to Wholistic Hiring
00:44 Getting Ready to Hire: Ducks in a Row
02:06 Tracking Time and Task Value
04:26 Using Loom for Training
06:02 Finding the Right Fit: Values and Skills
12:46 Hiring from the Philippines
17:39 Conclusion and Next Steps
spiritual business growth
wholistic hiring practices
entrepreneurship and hiring
transformational shaman podcast
scaling your spiritual business
hiring virtual assistants for small business
self-discovery in business leadership
creating an aligned business team
spiritual entrepreneurship podcast
mindful business leadership
business delegation tips
business processes for success
team building for spiritual entrepreneurs
entrepreneurial mindset podcast
business operations and team building
Licensing and Credits:
“Spirit Sherpa” is the sole property of Kelle Sparta Enterprises and is distributed under a Creative Commons: BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. For more information about this licensing, please go to www.creativecommons.org. Any requests for deviations to this licensing should be sent to kelle@kellesparta.com. To sign up for, or get more information on the programs, offerings, and services referenced in this episode, please go to www.kellesparta.com.