G-B7BD1EMJBT 10 Life-Changing Books for Spiritual Awakening & Transformation (Plus a Near-Death Experience!) - Spirit Sherpa

Episode 399

Published on:

10th Mar 2025

Top 10 Spiritual Books That Will Transform Your Life—#3 Will Blow Your Mind!

Top 10 Life-Changing Books: Recommendations from Transformational Shamans

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In this episode, Kelle Sparta, a Transformational Shaman, alongside spiritual and paranormal coach Joshua Radewan, share their top 10 book recommendations that can change your life.

Key Topics Include:

'Illusions' by Richard Bach

'Outwitting the Devil' by Napoleon Hill

'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield

'The Big Leap' by Gay Hendricks

'Will I Ever Be Good Enough?' by Karyl McBride

'You Can Heal Your Life' by Louise Hay

'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel van der Kolk

'Conversations with God' by Neale Donald Walsch

'Creative Visualization' by Shakti Gawain

The works of Scott Cunningham

00:00 Introduction and Host Introduction

00:22 A Near-Death Experience

01:30 Guided Meditation for Trauma

04:04 Top 10 Life-Changing Books

04:16 Book 1: Illusions by Richard Bach

05:22 Book 2: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

06:59 Book 3: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

07:54 Book 4: The Celestine Prophecy

09:35 Book 5: The Big Leap

10:46 Book 6: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?

12:00 Books 7 & 8: You Can Heal Your Life and The Body Keeps the Score

13:30 Book 9: Conversations with God

15:18 Book 10: Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

16:41 Bonus: Scott Cunningham's Magical Works

17:36 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


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white water rafting near death story

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“Spirit Sherpa” is the sole property of Kelle Sparta Enterprises and is distributed under a Creative Commons: BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. For more information about this licensing, please go to www.creativecommons.org. Any requests for deviations to this licensing should be sent to kelle@kellesparta.com. To sign up for, or get more information on the programs, offerings, and services referenced in this episode, please go to www.kellesparta.com.


 Welcome back. I'm your host, Kelly Sparta, Transformational Shaman. I'm here with my friend and fellow coach, Joshua Radawan, who is a spiritual coach and specializing in the paranormal. And so today we are going to give you our top 10 picks for books that will change your life.

And so we're going to start off today. Well, Before we get there, I gotta tell you, Josh, I almost died over the weekend. You look pretty good for having gone through that. I would love to hear more about that. I should have waited. You should have heard him. I told him that just before we started the recording.

He's like, what? Holy crap. What? So, yeah, I went whitewater rafting with friends of mine in from out of town and in the first two minutes the boat got hit and flipped up and Jeff went out the front of the boat and I went out the side and got trapped underneath the boat. Oh my god. When I say I almost died, I actually breathed in water and choked and, you know, had to be dragged up into the boat and couldn't move for a while because I had no oxygen to move my muscles and yeah, it was, it was not good.

Had to go to the doctor to make sure I didn't end up with dry drownings and, but, so. some symptoms and die anyway, right? I don't know if you guys know this, but if you actually breathe in water and you're still going afterwards, you could die still. So you should definitely go get the doctor to check you out because dry drowning is a thing.


So that was something that I did for myself when I was having flashbacks that evening. So, yeah. Typical Shaman, understanding the interconnectedness of all things and how to bring healing to the collective through your own traumatic experience. Through my own traumatic experience, yeah. That's what we do.

I was, I was on the boat with these guides and they just were like, Oh, la di da, they didn't really seem to grasp that I had been traumatized as even, and their English wasn't so great, but I'm just like, I am traumatized. You need to stop putting my side of the boat towards the things because I am traumatized.

I'm like, I know I don't look traumatized because I'm good at trauma. But please trust me, if you could hear on the outside what was going on inside of me right now, you would know that I am not okay. And they're just like, they're like, la la la la la. But I was not going to let it out because then I would have been non functional and that would have been extraordinarily dangerous.

So, you know, we don't do that. So yeah, it's, instead I just refused to sit on the side of the boat. I was like, my, my ass is planted on the bottom of this boat for the rest of the trip. I will paddle. I don't care if it fucks up my back, but, but my ass is on the bottom of this boat. You are not getting me on the edge.

So for the record, when they say Three plus in the U. S. Or when they say three plus in Panama, it's four plus in the U. S. So the, the, the grades are much different. It was extraordinarily terrifying, 100 percent do not recommend to go through that, to go through that right at the beginning of the trip, just just leaves the fear in you throughout the whole time to, you know, that's, that's gotta be.

I had to be excruciating to continue to go through that. How long was the trip? To the, we put in, and I don't know, it was probably three hours total. Oh my God. There was probably a 40 minute break in the middle for lunch, but yeah, it was about, and less than 1 percent into the trip. You were already in the water and on breathing water.

Yeah, and it could have been an hour more than that. They, they said you can get out here or we can get out an hour later. And I'm like, here, like I wanted out two minutes in. Like we're getting out here. So, yeah. Anyway, so moving on. The the coming back to our book titles here. So, and before I forget.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and share because you get all these funky wild stories. All right. And so my first book on the list is my favorite book of all time. It has gotten me through so many different challenging times in my life. And it is Illusions. The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah from Richard Bach.

And Richard Bach, you'll probably remember Richard Bach if you went through school in the U. S. because most schools these days have Jonathan Livingston Segal on their reading list. And he wrote that book too. Which is a great book, but it's not nearly as good as Illusions in my opinion. So that is my top book of all time.

It is, it is also a book within a book. And so the, the book within the book is the Messiah's Handbook, and so it's got all these pithy little sayings that, that I actually, in my teen years, wrote out in calligraphy in a pen and, you know, put into a book so that I could just flip through the pages and pick something.

So yeah, I'm a big fan of, of illusions. Your favorite one that you've talked to me about, was that The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, or is it something different? You know, I would have to say outwitting the devil because it was the first book he recommended to me, you know, like when I came into the path, it was all about fear.

play until, you know, the mid:

It was very prophetic, but you know, like it was, it was really about being able to release fear, you know, being able to understand it, to step into it and to stand face to face with it. And that is exactly what I needed at the beginning of my journey. I mean, you saw me, I came in, in the energetic fetal position, like I'm not doing well.

And that, that book was key. to me getting to the point where I could actually come back and work with you on a deeper level. Because until I got rid of that that piece, you know, I was still struggling in my own addiction cycles. And it was really related to fear that was keeping me there. So I have a very soft spot in my heart for Napoleon Hill, that book, and for you recommending it.

l came out in, I think it was:

That's when they finally released it because they wouldn't, they, they thought they wouldn't get lynched for it now, you know, or, you know, whatever, but, it was a lot. And so the so the book that I had mentioned as well was The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, which is another book that I know you enjoyed because we talked about it, but it's again, it is a similar sort of thing to Illusions in the fact it's understanding and recognizing that we are magical, right?

And it's all about that idea and concept. Yeah. And so that book was a really good one. And so if you've read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which is another one that's big in the high schools and in the US it's a similar sort of concept to that book. And so, you know, that's, it's, I find that men like that book more than women do usually, unless they're in their heavy warrior.

And since I was a heavy warrior woman, I really liked it. So but the the, the, the next one on the list, and we've got a bunch of things, they're all over the board here. Right. So the Celestine prophecy is where I want to go next. And the reason I want to do this one. So first thing I want to say is if you're not a book reader.

And you like to watch instead, the movie of the Celestine prophecy is pretty much the same as the book there. You know, obviously you miss some details, but it's, it's effectively the same. So it's one of the few cases where I'm like, yeah, the movie's good enough. Right. But the thing about the Celestine prophecy and the thing that I love so much about it.

And then I, the reason that I send people to it so often is because it is a. It's an empath's approach to the world, right? So you're, if you're an empath, you're really gonna get this book, right? Because it is all about your feeling space and your, your sensing space and, and the ability to follow the path of synchronicity, right?

And that's really what the Celibacy and Prophecy is about, is about synchronicities and about taking, going where the universe takes you, even if it doesn't make sense. trusting yourself, right? Yeah. The synchronicity part was huge. I mean, like it helped me make sense of a lot of the Jungian style synchronicities that popped up throughout my journey.

Another part of my, my favorite part of the movie as well as when he is kind of like hitting on that one woman and like, you can see the energy overwhelming. I was like, Oh, that's how energy works when we're not coming from that authentic place of love. So it was really, you Time for me when I, when I began to see what that looks like from the outside.

And you know, as a Scorpio with overwhelming energy, I was like, oh, this is a, this is a this is a good lesson. So that's, it was one of my favorite books. And once again, it was another recommendation from you in the work we've done together. Yeah. So do you wanna talk about the Big Leap next? Yeah.

This one was actually, recommended by Catherine from the the Wednesday one day podcast. And so it's it's about the upper limit problem that we have, you know, so it's about, we have this limit of happiness that we allow ourselves to have before we start creating chaos in our lives to bring ourselves back down to our regular operating system.

And it's all about bursting through that upper limit. So, you know, for me, it had a lot of great relationship advice in there, you know, like, and it's. You know, so one of it was like, one of my favorite pieces was the recognition that both people are 100 percent of the problem to be able to come to a resolution.

So, I mean, that right there, you know, sometimes I read these books and that farm, maybe one thing I've, you know, you spend seven to eight hours reading a book. And then you mine that one piece of gold and that was it for me, but that book is, is filled with it. There's a lot of great relationship stuff in there.

And just a lot about how to break through the ceiling of happiness and how to allow yourself to, you know, achieve those next layers of consciousness of abundance of wealth of happiness, you know, and to to really step into that, you know, more authentic part of yourself. So I really, I really enjoyed that book.

Awesome. And so we'll go from the, you know, how do I achieve the upper level stuff to how do I get out of where I am, which is will I ever be good enough is the book and it's healing the daughters of narcissistic mothers. So this book is fantastic for understanding the generational all. Issues that, that form in the mother daughter relationship and the good enough stuff that comes out of that.

And the, the thing I will say about this book, I, I love everything about this book except for the medical curse that it offers. And it says that you can never recover, and that you can only manage to, you know, ameliorate the situation, right? You can only make it a little, make it better, right? I disagree with that heartily because I disagree I had the narcissistic mother.

She was five years old my entire life, and if you've ever met a five year old, you know exactly how narcissistic they are. It's all about them. And so, you know, and I don't feel like I'm not good enough anymore, so it is fixable, so please do not take the curse when you read the book, but the book is actually worth reading.

All right, so let's talk about healing. As long as we're on that topic. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay is a fantastic book for learning to understand how your body, you know, how things manifest in your body. And I'm going to put this together with The Body Keeps the Score by Betta, oh God.

Okay, I don't know, my brain is not working. Anyway, but she's, she's an amazing author too and The Body Keeps the Score and You Can Heal Your Life, that I'm gonna put these two together because they are both about how your emotional and energetic Crap gets stored in your body and how it manifests and then how to clear it, right?

So the thing I love about Louise Hayes book is that it is very specific so you can say okay I've got hip pain. She'll say that's you know, here's what that's about. I've got lower back pain. Here's what that's about. I've got You know, knee issues. Here's what that's about. And so the book is super helpful from that perspective.

Whereas, The Body Keeps the Score wow, it's been so long since I've read that book. It, but if my memory serves, it's a little more on the generalized way of somatics, right? It's about understanding somatics and how things are stored in the body and things like that. So and both perspectives are fantastic, right?

So they are seminal books in the, in the work of energetics body, you know, physicality overlap. So those are fantastic. If you're working on anything along those lines. And then Oh, what have we missed? Ah, Conversations with God. So, in earlier in the year, we had Neil Donald Walsh on the show.


And it was just, for me, it was It was really good for grasping that I can actually have the conversation myself, I don't have to go through an intermediary, or I don't have to, I can get direct answers, right? And that was important, too. He says himself that it is not channeling although, I gotta tell you, it reads like channeling.

And I would swear that that was the case but it, you know, he, I think it's more like automatic writing for him or something. I'm not sure, but but yeah, it's a, it's a really good book from that perspective. Did, have you read that one, Josh? I read part of it, I, that's one of them I got into, I got about halfway and it ended up on my floor next to the other 10 books I'm halfway through.

Yeah. Well, I got one, I got what I needed out of it and it was actually automatic writing, which was funny because that's what I was going to bring up because I was studying automatic writing at the time and I was like, does this actually work? And I was like, Oh yeah, I guess, I guess it does. And you know, that's, that's what I needed to farm out of it from, from at that point.

So maybe this is my sign to go back and finish that one, one of the other nine books. Yeah. Automatic writing, for the record, is channeling, but that's, yeah, it is. Tomato, tomato. Tomato, tomato. Yeah. So and then the, the last book is, you know, we were just doing 10 books today, but the last book is creative visualization by Shakti Gawain.

It is important that you get it by Shakti Gawain because there are, there is at least one other book in the, The book world that is by this title and it is not the right one. Okay. So creative visualization by Shakti Gawain is if you want to create your own reality and that's going to be the next episode we talk about is creating reality.

s, early:

And it's, it's a brilliant book on exactly how to do manifestation and, and reality creation. So the, that book is a, again, another seminal work for everything that's come out in the interim. So, the wonders of having started this stuff when I did. In the 70s, is that I have a lot of sort of foundational knowledge of the books that came out at the time.

And then I'm gonna give you guys a bonus, and it's not a book, a specific book, but it's a an author. If you are looking to learn anything in the magical world, if you want to learn anything in the sort of Wicca based magical world, Scott Cunningham is your man. Okay, that man wrote so many books, and he Everything he, he was, any, any book of his that I've read, and I have not read them all, but every book of his that I've read was right on the money, really brilliantly done, fantastic teaches you a lot.

So if you're looking to learn sort of Energy work magic stuff then he pick up anything. He's written and you'll be good. Okay Okay, did we do them all one two, three, four, five six seven eight nine ten Yes, we did them. Okay, so that is our our Episode for today. I know it was pithy and and short and sweet but hopefully it will result in you having a pile of books at the side of your bed like Josh does and Which, I gotta tell you, pretty much everyone I know in this, in this field ends up with a pile of books next to their bed that's partially written, or partially read, rather, and, and, you know, you open it to a random page and do divination by book, right?

I do that all the time. I, I, I'm sad since I switched to Kindle because I don't do that as much anymore because I don't have physical books anymore, which is sad. I miss them. So but yes if you are out there looking for your next pile of books, these are them. Enjoy. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with somebody who needs a new pile of books because they will appreciate you for it.

And these books will change your life. So, and in the meantime, remember, what you focus on expands. What you intend is what you create, so choose wisely.

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Spirit Sherpa
Spiritual Training for the 100,000 Here to Uplevel The Planet
Do you feel like you have this HUGE mission, but have no idea what it is or what you're supposed to do to get ready for it? And even worse, do you feel like you were supposed to know it all and be ready yesterday? Then you're in the right place.

This podcast is for those whose spiritual awakening also brought on a spiritual mission. There are 100,000 of us on the planet here to help uplevel it. If you said yes to the questions above, you're one of us. This podcast will help you get ready as quickly as possible so you can step into your power and purpose and fulfill that mission you have.

And if you're ready to get on the express train to fulfilling that mission you feel so called to, then check out The Spirit Guides School at www.KelleSparta.com. If you're already a spiritual teacher, healer, and/or practitioner, then check out our Ascend Spiritual Business Marketing program at https://courses.kellesparta.com/products/courses/view/1158603 for how to take your spiritual business to the next level.

The Spirit Sherpa Podcast started as a beginner's guide to energy. magic, and the spirit world with a reminder that none of these work if you're not doing your inner work too. But then, a few months in, my friends started telling me how much they loved the show. Since all my friends were pretty advanced, I was floored. When I asked them why they were listening, they said that I was taking every 2 hour class they had ever taken and putting it into a larger context. So there's that.

Over time, the Spirit Sherpa podcast has evolved from a beginner's foray into a wide variety of topics into a more intermediate level education and now, 7 years later, we've evolved into an advanced discussion with shows around becoming a spiritual entrepreneur as well. If you want a way to fast-track your spiritual knowledge/awakening so you can step into your mission, the Spirit Sherpa podcast is a great start.

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Kelle Sparta

Kelle Sparta is a spiritual business coach and transformational shaman specializing in working with the 100,000 people who are here to uplevel the planet. She works with them on everything from very beginner level work, to higher order advanced level work teaching them how to share their message and mission with the world. Kelle has spent the last half century learning about metaphysics, psychic skills, personal growth, energy healing, spiritual practices, business, and more. She is the author of The Over-Achiever's Guide to Spiritual Awakening, the founder of the Spirit Guides School, and her Spirit Sherpa podcast is in the top 2% of podcasts worldwide and has been downloaded in 147 countries. Learn how you can work with Kelle at www.KelleSparta.com